This committee will:
- Work to educate members on the importance of workplace health and safety.
- Prepare and present reports to the regular membership meetings.
- Organize an April 28th Day of Mourning ceremony each year.
- Participate on the Joint Worksite Health and Safety Committees (JWH&SC) at their workplace.
- Ensure that the worker representatives on the JWH&SC meet separately from the employer to prepare for meetings with the employer.
- Promote safe work procedures and environments so as to prevent illness and injury as a result of workplace factors.
- Immediately bring to the attention of the employer any workplace hazard that has the potential to cause members’ illness or injury.
- Work to eliminate all workplace hazards, be they physical, environmental, or social.
- Assist with updating the Local’s website.
Members of this committee should be designated as a “Certified Worker Representative” in accordance with the legislation in their respective jurisdictions (provincial, federal).
The committee members will be the chairperson, appointed by the Executive Board, and additional members as may be required to fulfill the committee’s functions [bylaws – section 16. page 21].
Committee Chairperson and/or Worker Representative: Svilen Stoyanov
Members: Brian Verdasca
Demetris Kribas
Contact Information :