Strike Update: April 20, 2023

Dear CUPE 233 Members,

Donation Reporting System

  • We are in the process of creating a new system for reporting donations!
  • In the meantime, we received another generous donation in the amount of $5,000 from OPSEU’s central union. We appreciate OPSEU’s support in our efforts to achieve pension equity and bargaining rights, as well as a fair wage increase that we all deserve because our wages are too low.

Event Tomorrow: BBQ & Rally

  • Please see below a flyer for our BBQ & Rally event tomorrow at noon. Free sausages at the truck by Lake Devo and pop!
  • Fred Hahn, President, CUPE-Ontario, will be a speaker.

Special Membership Meeting

  • Your Local Executive Committee is in the process of scheduling a virtual Special Membership Meeting to discuss bargaining, the strike, and next steps.
  • We will do our best to give members at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice in accordance with the local union bylaws.

Our “Fixit” TMU Campus Coalition Campaign

  • As you all know, we have asked our TMU Campus Coalition to send a message to their contacts asking students and staff to report service requests using the university’s “Fixit” system. Congrats! We are hearing positive feedback that staff and students are having fun with it.

See you tomorrow on the picket lines.

In Solidarity,

Your Strike Committee